Post-doc positions

- POST-DOC Position “Development of Nanodevices based on 2D materials”
Research Activity: “Development of optical sources in the FIR exploiting 2D materials integrated in semiconductor heterostructure lasers”
Application deadline: 14/03/2025
Professional profile: Post-doctoral Fellow.
Number of positions: 1
Duration: 1 year
Structure: Istituto Nanoscienze, Pisa (Italy)
2. POST-DOC Position “Development of miniaturized optical frequency combs in the far-infrared ”
Research Activity: “Development of miniaturized THz frequency combs and near field microscopy applications”
Application deadline: 14/02/2025
Professional profile: Post-doctoral Fellow.
Number of positions: 1
Duration: 1 year
Structure: Istituto Nanoscienze, Pisa (Italy)
3. POST-DOC Position “Development of optical devices for industrial applications”
Application deadline: 13/02/2025
Professional profile: Post-doctoral Fellow.
Number of positions: 1
Duration: 1 year
Structure: Istituto Nanoscienze, Pisa (Italy)
PhD positions

In order to join the THz Photonics group as PhD student, please apply to the following PhD Programs of the Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa):
- PhD positions in “Quantum Technologies and Nanoscience”
Undergraduate positions
Thesis presently available
For information please directly contact Prof. Miriam S. Vitiello (