Development of an integrated diagnostic system for space and land applications
The introduction of new space technologies requires an adequate knowledge of the performances and the problems concerning to the integrations and interactions between systems. In this regard, the increasing use of the new propulsion systems on board of commercial satellites has recently giving rise to a real technological revolution, by re-engineering stellar vehicles configurations, and by developing new architectures and strategies for the launch in orbit.
Thanks to the use of these propulsion systems, the BOEING has recently introduced on the market a new type of telecommunications satellites, with weight of 2.5 t but with the service capacity equal to those with weight of 5 t. In Europe, the major manufactures, as such as AIRBUS, Thales-Alenia, OHB, have launched their development programs of platforms, named all-electices, in which traditional chemical propulsion is substituted with the electrical one, that show systems with high power of 5 kW. Therefore, accurate and advanced performance tests are required in order to describe the complex phenomenology related to the conditions near and inside the thruster.
The project aims in a collaborative network between companies and research centers to the development of sensing systems targeting the recognition of spectral bands and roto-vibrational modes of molecules and gases which can be used for the characterization of pollutants in atmosphere and materials of interest for the cultural heritage area.
The synergy between the spatial and terrestrial sectors will allow to create the conditions for a greater interaction between subjects, companies and public research organizations, with solid experience and importance at national and international level aiming to apply photonics applied to issues related to space, environment and cultural heritage.